IEEE 802.11az Indoor Positioning with mmWave
Pablo Picazo-Martinez, Carlos Barroso-Fernandez, Jorge Martin-Perez, Milan Groshev, Antonio de la Oliva
IEEE Communications Magazine (early access), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.001.2300454, Date of Publication (early access): 18/12/2023 , Electronic ISSN: 1558-1896 (C1, 2022)
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- https://www.madrimasd.org/notiweb/noticias/tu-proximo-router-sabra-donde-te-sientas
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- https://revistanuve.com/router-de-alta-precision/
- https://telecorenta.es/tu-proximo-router-sabra-donde-te-sientas/
- https://www.diarioabierto.es/684842/cientificos-de-la-upm-y-la-uc3m-desarrollan-un-prototipo-de-router-con-alta-precision-para-localizar-moviles
- https://www.65ymas.com/sociedad/tecnologia/desarrollan-prototipo-router-alta-precision-localizacion-exacta-movil_57922_102.html
- https://www.teleprensa.com/articulo/nacional-3/upm-uc3m-desarrollan-prototipo-router-alta-precision-localizacion-exacta-movil/202402261043101716413.html
- https://www.diarioeconomia.com/2024/02/26/la-upm-y-la-uc3m-han-desarrollado-un-router-de-alta-precision-para-localizar-con-exactitud-un-dispositivo-movil/
- https://www.madridon.com/2024/02/26/la-upm-y-la-uc3m-han-desarrollado-un-router-altamente-preciso-para-rastrear-con-precision-un-dispositivo-movil/
- https://www.nobbot.com/router-localizacion/
- https://knowridge.com/2024/03/this-smart-router-knows-your-exact-location-at-home/
- https://www.myscience.es/news/2024/high_precision_router-2024-uc3m
- https://techxplore.com/news/2024-02-scientists-high-precision-router.html
- https://www.thehonanews.co.in/tech/scientists-develop-a-high-precision-router/
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- https://www.thetechstreetnow.com/tech/scientists-develop-a-high-precision-router/2346897847886503618/2346897847886503618/
- https://fotos.europapress.es/fotonoticia/f5783182
- https://www.servimedia.es/noticias/cientificos-upm-uc3m-desarrollan-router-detecta-localizacion-exacta-movil/1410098848
- https://www.teleprensa.com/articulo/nacional-3/upm-uc3m-desarrollan-prototipo-router-alta-precision-localizacion-exacta-movil/202402261043101716413.html
- https://www.diarioabierto.es/684842/cientificos-de-la-upm-y-la-uc3m-desarrollan-un-prototipo-de-router-con-alta-precision-para-localizar-moviles
- https://www.lavanguardia.com/sociedad/20240226/9528489/cientificos-upm-uc3m-desarrollan-router-detecta-localizacion-exacta-movil-agenciaslv20240226.html
- https://www.casadomo.com/2024/02/27/uc3m-upm-crean-prototipo-router-indica-posicion-movil-precision
- https://www.noticiasde.es/espana/cientificos-de-la-upm-y-la-uc3m-crean-un-router-que-puede-identificar-la-ubicacion-precisa-de-un-telefono-movil/
- https://www.diariosigloxxi.com/texto-ep/mostrar/20240226113606/upm-uc3m-desarrollan-prototipo-router-alta-precision-localizacion-exacta-movil
- https://www.myscience.es/news/2024/high_precision_router-2024-uc3m
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Data-centric Service-Based Architecture for Edge-Native 6G Network
Baldoni, Gabriele; Quevedo, José; Guimarães, Carlos; de la Oliva, Antonio; Corsaro, Angelo
IEEE Communications Magazine, SI Serverless mobile computing: from theory to practice, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.001.2300178, Date of Publication (early access): 20 November 2023, Electronic ISSN: 1558-1896 (C1, 2022)
Beyond Multi-access Edge Computing: Essentials to realize a Mobile, Constrained Edge,
E. Rojas, C. Guimaraes, A. d. l. Oliva, C. J. Bernardos and R. Gazda,
IEEE Communications Magazine, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.017.2300056, Date of Publication (early access): May 2023, Electronic ISSN: 1558-1896 (C1, 2022)
Choose, not Hoard: Information-to-Model Matching for Artificial Intelligence in O-RAN
Jorge Martin-Perez; Nuria Molner; Francesco Malandrino; Carlos Jesus Bernardos; Antonio de la Oliva; David Gomez-Barquero
IEEE Communications Magazine, DOI:10.1109/MCOM.003.2200401 , Page(s): , Date of Publication (early access): December 2022 , Electronic ISSN: 0163-6804 (C1, 2021)
FoReCo: a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators
M. Groshev, J. Martín-Pérez, C. Guimarães, A. de la Oliva and C. J. Bernardos
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, DOI:10.1109/TNSM.2022.3173436 , Page(s): , Date of Publication: May 2022 , Electronic ISSN: 1932-4537 (C2, 2021)
Network Support for High-Performance Distributed Machine Learning
F. Malandrino, C. F. Chiasserini, N. Molner and A. de la Oliva
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, DOI:10.1109/TNET.2022.3189077 , Page(s):1-15 , Date of Publication: July 2022 , Electronic ISSN: 1558-2566 (C1, 2021)
Edge robotics: are we ready? An experimental evaluation of current vision and future directions
Milan Groshev, Gabriele Baldon, Luca Cominard, Antonio de la Oliva, and Robert Gazda
Elsevier Digital Communications and Networks, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcan.2022.04.032, Page(s): , Date of Publication: May 2022, Electronic ISSN: 2352-8648, (C1, 2020)
A 5G-Based eHealth Monitoring and Emergency Response System: Experience and Lessons Learned
Kiril Antevski; Luigi Girletti; Carlos J. Bernardos; Antonio de la Oliva; Jorge Baranda; Josep Mangues-Bafalluy
IEEE Access, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3114593, Page(s): 131420 - 131429, Date of Publication: 22 September 2021, Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536 (C2, 2020)
Dissecting the Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Digital Twins as a Service
Milan Groshev; Carlos Guimarães; Antonio De La Oliva; Robert Gazda
IEEE Access, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3098109, Page(s): 102862 - 102876, Date of Publication: 19 July 2021, Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536 (C2, 2020)
Managing the far-Edge: are today's centralized solutions a good fit
Gabriele Baldoni; Luca Cominardi; Milan Groshev; Antonio De la Oliva; Angelo Corsaro
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/MCE.2021.3082503, May 2021 (C2, 2020)
DEEP: A Vertical-Oriented Intelligent and Automated Platform for the Edge and Fog
Carlos Guimaraes , Milan Groshev , Luca Cominardi, Aitor Zabala, Luis M. Contreras, Samer T. Talat, Chao Zhang , Saptarshi Hazra, Alain Mourad, Antonio de la Oliva
IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume: 59, Issue: 6, Page(s): 66 - 72, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.001.2000986, June 2021 (C1, 2020)
Towards INtelligent Cyber-Physical Systems: Digital Twin meets Artificial Intelligence
Milan Groshev, Carlos Guimaraes, Jorge Martin-Perez, Antonio de la Oliva
IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume: 59, Issue: 8, Page: 14-20, September 2021 (C1, 2020)
Stateless Flow-Zone Switching Using Software-Defined Addressing
Sergio Gonzalez-Diaz, Roger Marks, Elisa Rojas, Antonio de la Oliva and Robert Gazda
IEEE Access, Volume 9, Page(s): 68343 - 68365, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3077955, May 2021 (C2, 2020)
Delay and reliability-constrained VNF placement on mobile and volatile 5G infrastructure
Balazs Nemeth, Nuria Molner, Jorge Martinperez, Carlos J. Bernardos, Antonio De la Oliva, Balazs Sonkoly
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Early Access 2021 (C1, 2020)
On the integration of NFV and MEC technologies: architecture analysis and benefits for edge robotics
Kiril Antevski, Carlos J. Bernardos, Luca Cominardi, Antonio de la Oliva and Alain Mourad
Computer Networks, Volume 175, 5 July 2020
(COMPUTER TELECOMUNICATIONS 2020, Impact factor: 4.474 , Position: 18/91, C1 , ACK: 5G-CORAL, 5G-TRANSFORMER, 5GROWTH)
Adaptive Telemetry for Software-Defined Mobile Networks
Luca Cominardi, Sergio Gonzalez-Diaz, Antonio de la Oliva and Carlos J. Bernardos
Journal of Network and Systems Management volume 28, pages 660–692 (2020)
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2020, Impact factor: 2.026 , Position: 65/91, C3 , ACK: 5G-DIVE, 5G-TRANSFORMER, 5GROWTH)
A Baseline Roadmap for Advanced Wireless Research Beyond 5G
Alain Mourad, Rui Yang, Per Hjalmar Lehne and Antonio de la Oliva
Electronics 2020, 9(2), 351
(ENGINEERING, ELETRICAL & ELECTRONIC--SCIE 2020, Impact factor: 2.397 , Position: 145/273, C3 , ACK: EMPOWER)
Integrating Fronthaul and Backhaul Networks: Transport Challenges and Feasibility Results
Sergio Gonzalez-Diaz, Andres Garcia-Saavedra, Antonio de la Oliva, Xavier Costa-Perez, Robert Gazda, Alain Mourad, Thomas Deiss, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, Paola Iovanna, Stefano Stracca, Phillip Leithead
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2019, Impact factor: 4.474 , Position: 14/90, C1 , ACK: 5G-TRANSFORMER)
Modeling Mobile Edge Computing Deployments for Low Latency Multimedia Services
Jorge Martín-Pérez, Luca Cominardi, Carlos J. Bernardos, Antonio de la Oliva, Arturo Azcorra
IEEE Transactions of Broadcasting, 2019
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2019, Impact factor: 4.374, Position: 32/90, C2, ACK: 5G-TRANSFORMER)
Experimental framework and evaluation of the 5G-Crosshaul control infrastructure
Mangues-Bafalluy, Josep and Baranda, Jorge and Landi, Giada and Nunez-Martinez, Jose and Casellas, Ramon and Chundrigar, Shahzoob Bilal and de la Oliva, Antonio and Mourad, Alain and Talat, Samer T and Chiasserini, Carla F and others
Computer Standards \& Interfaces, 2019
(COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2019, Impact factor: 2.441, Position: 25/108 , C1, ACK: 5G-TRANSFORMER)
Optimization of an integrated fronthaul/backhaul network under path and delay constraints
Nuria Molner and Antonio de la Oliva and Ioannis Stavrakakis and Arturo Azcorra
Ad Hoc Networks, 2019
(COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2019, Impact factor: 3490, Position: 39/156, C1, ACK: 5G-TRANSFORMER)
5G-TRANSFORMER: Slicing and Orchestrating Transport Networks for Industry Verticals
A. de la Oliva, X. Li, X. Costa-Perez, C. J. Bernardos, P. Bertin, P. Iovanna, T. Deiss, J. Mangues, A. Mourad, C. Casetti, J. Enrique Gonz'alez y A. Azcorra
IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Orchestration of Ultra Dense 5G Networks, 2018
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2018, Impact factor: 10.356, Position: 3/88, C1, ACK: 5G-TRANSFORMER)
Experimental evaluation of SDN-based service provisioning in mobile networks
Luca Cominardi, Carlos J. Bernardos, Pablo Serrano, Albert Banchs y Antonio de la Oliva
Computer Standards \& Interfaces, 2018
(COMPUTER SCIENCE, HARDWARE & ARCHITECTURE 2018, Impact factor: 2.441, Position: 17/53 , C2, ACK: 5G-Crosshaul)
Distributed mobility management solutions for next mobile network architectures
Luca Cominardi, Fabio Giust, Carlos J. Bernardos y Antonio De La Oliva
Computer Networks, 2017
(COMPUTER SCIENCE, HARDWARE \& ARCHITECTURE - SCIE; 2017, Impact factor: 2.522, Position: 12/52, C1, ACK: 5G-Crosshaul)
Towards a unified fronthaul-backhaul data plane for 5G The 5G-Crosshaul project approach
Fabio Cavaliere, Paola Iovanna, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, Jorge Baranda, Jose Nunez-Martinez, Kun-Yi Lin, Hsien-Wen Chang, Philippe Chanclou, Peter Farkas, Jesse Gomes, Luca Cominardi, Alain Mourad, Antonio De La Oliva, Jose Alberto Hernandez, David Larrabeiti, Andrea Di Giglio, Antonia Paolicelli y Per Odling
Computer Standards \& Interfaces, 2017
(COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2017, Impact factor: 1.465, Position: 47/104, C2, ACK: 5G-Crosshaul)
5G-Crosshaul: An SDN/NFV Integrated Fronthaul/Backhaul Transport Network Architecture
X. Costa-Perez, A. Garcia-Saavedra, X. Li, T. Deiss, A. de la Oliva, A. di Giglio, P. Iovanna y A. Moored
IEEE Wireless Communications, 2017
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2017, Impact factor: 9.202, Position: 3/87, C1, ACK: 5G-Crosshaul)
5G-Crosshaul Network Slicing: Enabling Multi-Tenancy in Mobile Transport Networks
X. Li, R. Casellas, G. Landi, A. de la Oliva, X. Costa-Perez, A. Garcia-Saavedra, T. Deiss, L. Cominardi y R. Vilalta
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2017
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2017, Impact factor: 9270, Position: 2/87, C1, ACK: 5G-Crosshaul)
5G-Crosshaul: An SDN/NFV control and data plane architecture for the 5G integrated Fronthaul/Backhaul (pdf)
Sergio Gonzalez, Antonio de la Oliva, Xavier Costa-Perez, Andrea Di Giglio, Fabio Cavaliere, Thomas Deiss, Xi Li y Alain Mourad
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2016
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2016, Impact factor: 1,535, Position: 54/89, C3, ACK: 5G-Crosshaul)
Mobility Management: Deployment and Adaptability Aspects Through Mobile Data Traffic Analysis (pdf)
M.Isabel Sanchez, Engin Zeydan, Antonio de la Oliva, A.Serdar Tan, Utku Yabas y Carlos J. Bernardos
Computer Communications, 2016
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2016, Impact factor: 3,338, Position: 20/89, C1, ACK: CROWD, 5G-Crosshaul)
Experimental analysis of connectivity management in mobile operating systems (pdf)
M. Isabel Sanchez, Antonio de la Oliva y Carlos J. Bernardos
Computer Networks, January 2016
(COMPUTER SCIENCE, HARDWARE \& ARCHITECTURE - SCIE; 2016, Impact factor: 2.516, Position: 13/52, C1, ACK: CROWD)
Xhaul: toward an integrated fronthaul/backhaul architecture in 5G networks (pdf)
A. D. La Oliva, X. C. Perez, A. Azcorra, A. D. Giglio, F. Cavaliere, D. Tiegelbekkers, J. Lessmann, T. Haustein, A. Mourad y P. Iovanna
IEEE Wireless Communications, Octubre 2015
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2015, Impact factor: 4.148, Position: 3/82, C1, ACK: 5G-Crosshaul, TIGRES)
An overview of the CPRI specification and its application to C-RAN-based LTE scenarios (pdf)
A. de la Oliva, J. A. Hernandez, D. Larrabeiti y A. Azcorra
IEEE Communications Magazine, Febrero 2016
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2016, Impact factor: 10.435, Position: 2/89, C1, ACK: 5G-Crosshaul)
An openflow architecture for energy-aware traffic engineering in mobile networks (pdf)
C. Donato, P. Serrano, A. de la Oliva, A. Banchs y C. J. Bernardos
IEEE Network, Julio 2015
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2015, Impact factor: 2,899, Position: 7/82, C1, ACK: iJoin, CROWD)
Extremely dense wireless networks [Guest Editorial] (pdf)
C. Cicconetti, A. D. La Oliva, D. Chieng y J. C. Zuniga
IEEE Communications Magazine, January 2015
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2015, Impact factor: 5.125, Position: 2/77, C1, ACK: CROWD)
HDMM: deploying client and network-based distributed mobility management (pdf)
F. Giust, C. J. Bernardos y A. de la Oliva
Telecommunication Systems, 2015
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2015, Impact factor: 0.822, Position: 54/77, C3, ACK: MEDIEVAL, TIN2010-20136-C03)
An architecture for software defined wireless networking (pdf)
C. J. Bernardos, A. de la Oliva, P. Serrano, A. Banchs, L. M. Contreras, H. Jin y J. C. Zuniga
IEEE Wireless Communications, Junio 2014
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2014, Impact factor: 5.417, Position: 2/77, C1, ACK: iJoin)
Analytic Evaluation and Experimental Validation of a Network-Based IPv6 Distributed Mobility Management Solution (pdf)
F. Giust, C. J. Bernardos y A. de la Oliva
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Noviembre 2014
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2014, Impact factor: 2.543, Position: 6/77, C1, ACK: iJoin, TIN2010-20136-C03)
Performance Analysis and Algorithm Selection for Reliable Multicast in IEEE 802.11aa Wireless LAN (pdf)
A. Banchs, A. de la Oliva, L. Eznarriaga, D. R. Kowalski y P. Serrano
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Octubre 2014
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2014, Impact factor: 1.978, Position: 15/77, C1, ACK: CROWD, TIN2010-20136-C03)
On the implementation, deployment and evaluation of a networking protocol for VANETs: The \{VARON\} case (pdf)
M. Isabel Sanchez, Marco Gramaglia, Carlos J. Bernardos, Antonio de la Oliva y Maria Calderon
Ad Hoc Networks, 2014
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2014, Impact factor: 1.530, Position: 24/77, C2, ACK: CROWD, TIN2010-20136-C03)
Multicast group membership management in media independent handover services (pdf)
Carlos Guimaraes, Daniel Corujo, Antonio de la Oliva, Yoshihiro Ohba y Rui L. Aguiar
Computer Networks, 2014
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2014, Impact factor: 1.256, Position: 32/77, C2, ACK: CROWD, TIN2010-20136-C03)
A solution for transparent mobility with route optimization in the IP multimedia subsystem (pdf)
Ivan Vidal, Jaime Garcia Reinoso, Ignacio Soto y Antonio de la Oliva
Computer Communications, 2013
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2013, Impact factor: 1.352, Position: 32/78, C2, ACK: CROWD, TIN2010-20136-C03)
On providing mobility management in WOBANs: integration with PMIPv6 and MIH (pdf)
M. I. Sanchez, M. Uruena, A. De La Oliva, J. A. Hernandez y C. J. Bernardos
IEEE Communications Magazine, Octubre 2013
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2013, Impact factor: 4.460, Position: 3/78, C1, ACK: MEDIEVAL, TIN2010-20136-C03)
Distributed mobility management: A standards landscape (pdf)
J. C. Zuniga, C. J. Bernardos, A. de la Oliva, T. Melia, R. Costa y A. Reznik
IEEE Communications Magazine, Marzo 2013
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2013, Impact factor: 4.460, Position: 3/78, C1)
Performance analysis of Energy Efficient Ethernet on video streaming servers (pdf)
Antonio de la Oliva, Tito R. Vargas Hernandez, Juan Carlos Guerri, Jose Alberto Hernandez y Pedro Reviriego
Computer Networks, 2013
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2013, Impact factor: 1.282, Position: 35/78, C2, ACK: MEDIEVAL)
The costs and benefits of combining different \{IP\} mobility standards (pdf)
Antonio de la Oliva, Ignacio Soto, Maria Calderon, Carlos J. Bernardos y M. Isabel Sanchez
Computer Standards \& Interfaces, 2013
(COMPUTER SCIENCE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2013, Impact factor: 1.177, Position: 38/105, C2, ACK: MEDIEVAL, I-MOVING)
Greening wireless communications: Status and future directions (pdf)
Pablo Serrano, Antonio de la Oliva, Paul Patras, Vincenzo Mancuso y Albert Banchs
Computer Communications, 2012
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2012, Impact factor: 1.079, Position: 35/78, C2, ACK: FLAVIA, TEC2011-29688-C02-02)
Throughput and energy-aware routing for 802.11 based mesh networks (pdf)
Antonio de la Oliva, Albert Banchs y Pablo Serrano
Computer Communications, 2012
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2012, Impact factor: 1.079, Position: 35/78, C2, ACK: FLAVIA, TIN2010-20136-C03)
Client and network-based dual stack mobility management (pdf)
A. de la Oliva, M. Calderon, C. J. Bernardos y R. Wakikawa
IEEE Wireless Communications, Oct 2012
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2012, Impact factor: 3.740, Position: 2/78, C1, ACK: MEDIEVAL)
Providing throughput guarantees in heterogeneous wireless mesh networks (pdf)
Antonio de la Oliva, Albert Banchs, Pablo Serrano, Frank A. Zdarsky
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2012
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2012, Impact factor: 0.863, Position: 41/78, C3, ACK: CARMEN, TIN2010-20136-C03)
IP flow mobility: smart traffic offload for future wireless networks (pdf)
A. de la Oliva, C. J. Bernardos, M. Calderon, T. Melia y J. C. Zuniga
IEEE Communications Magazine, Octubre 2011
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2011, Impact factor: 3.785, Position: 3/79, C1, ACK: MEDIEVAL, QUARTET)
IEEE 802.21: Media independence beyond handover (pdf)
Antonio de la Oliva, Ignacio Soto, Albert Banchs, Johannes Lessmann, Christian Niephaus y Telemaco Melia
Computer Standards \& Interfaces, 2011
(COMPUTER SCIENCE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2011, Impact factor: 1.257, Position: 28/104, C2, ACK: MEDIEVAL, TIN2010-20136-C03)
IP Flow Mobility in PMIPv6 Based Networks: Solution Design and Experimental Evaluation (pdf)
Telemaco Melia, Carlos J. Bernardos, Antonio de la Oliva, Fabio Giust y Maria Calderon
Wireless Personal Communications, 2011
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2011, Impact factor: 0.458, Position: 60/79, C3, ACK: MEDIEVAL, QUARTET)
TRIM: An architecture for transparent IMS-based mobility (pdf)
Ivan Vidal, Antonio de la Oliva, Jaime Garcia-Reinoso y Ignacio Soto
Computer Networks, 2011
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2011, Impact factor: 1.200, Position: 29/79, C2, ACK: CARMEN, MEDIANET)
Supporting mobility in an IMS-based P2P IPTV service: A proactive context transfer mechanism (pdf)
Ivan Vidal, Jaime Garcia-Reinoso, Antonio de la Oliva, Alex Bikfalvi e Ignacio Soto
Computer Communications, 2010
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2010, Impact factor: 0.816, Position: 39/80, C2, ACK: CONPARTE, MEDIANET)
FloorNet: Deployment and Evaluation of a Multihop Wireless 802.11 Testbed (pdf)
Pablo Serrano, Carlos J. Bernardos, Antonio de la Oliva, Albert Banchs, Ignacio Soto y Michael Zink
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw., Abril 2010
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2010, Impact factor: 0.815, Position: 40/80, C2, ACK: CARMEN, QUARTET)
Analytical characterization of failure recovery in \{REAP\} (pdf)
A. de la Oliva, I. Soto, A. Garcia-Martinez, M. Bagnulo y A. Azcorra
Computer Communications, 2010
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2010, Impact factor: 0.816, Position: 39/80, C2, ACK: CONPARTE, CARMEN, T2C2)
An overview of IEEE 802.21: media-independent handover services (pdf)
A. De La Oliva, A. Banchs, I. Soto, T. Melia y A. Vidal
IEEE Wireless Communications, Agosto 2008
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2008, Impact factor: 3.18, Position: 4/67, C1)
Toward IP Converged Heterogeneous Mobility: A Network Controlled Approach (pdf)
Telemaco Melia, Antonio de la Oliva, Albert Vidal, Ignacio Soto, Daniel Corujo y Rui Aguiar
Computer Networks, Diciembre 2007
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2007, Impact factor: 0.829, Position: 25/66, C2, ACK: DAIDALOS)
Network controlled handovers: challenges and possibilities (pdf)
T. Melia, A. de la Oliva, I. Soto, P. Serrano y R. Aguiar
Wireless Personal Communications, 2007
(TELECOMUNICATIONS 2007, Impact factor: 0.230, Position: 47/66, C3)
Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Route Optimization Solution for NEMO (pdf)
M. Calderon, C. J. Bernardos, M. Bagnulo, I. Soto y A. De La Oliva
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Septiembre 2006
(JCR TELECOMUNICATIONS 2006, Impact factor: 1.816, Position: 5/59, C1, ACK: DAIDALOS)