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Pervasive Discovery Protocol - Reference Implementation


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Edificio Torres Quevedo
Avda de la Universidad, 30
28911 Leganés (Madrid) SPAIN

This work has received the support of the European Commission through the IST programme, as part of the IST Ubisec project.


    PDP is a new fully-distributed service discovery protocol designed for ad-hoc networks. PDP takes into account inherent limitations of embedded devices such as power-constrained batteries and processing capabilities, in such a way that the protocol reduces the number of messages sent through the network and makes devices with greater availability time to answer first.

    PDP prioritizes the replies of the less limited devices, allowing the others to abort their answers. PDP also does away with the need for the central server, and it is a fully distributed protocol that merges characteristics of both pull and push solutions. Devices maintain a cache of services previously announced, that is also used for the answers. In PDP all messages are broadcast, and all devices cooperate by coordinating their replies and sharing the information in their caches. PDP takes into account the different applications needs, and this allows to further reducing the power consumption. A more detailed description of the PDP protocol can be found in the links section, below.

    This page presents a reference implementation of the PDP protocol in J2SE and J2ME (Personal Profile). This software is distributed under LGPL license.

    We also include an implementation of the PDP protocol in NS-2 to be used in performance evaluation studies.


    The reference implementation of the Pervasive Discovery Protocol (PDP) is a Java based library freely distributed under the therms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

    This work is part of the Celeste Campo's PhD thesis. If you download this software and use it for any purpose, please send an e-mail to Celeste Campo (celeste[at]it.uc3m.es).
