Selected publications from the last years:
R.P.D. Redondo, C. Garcia-Rubio, A.F. Vilas, C. Campo, A.
A hybrid
analysis of LBSN data to early detect anomalies in crowd
dynamics, Future Generation
Computer Systems (2020).
Garcia-Rubio, C.; Díaz Redondo, R.P.; Campo, C.; Fernández Vilas, A. Using Entropy of Social Media Location Data for the Detection of Crowd Dynamics Anomalies. Electronics 2018, 7, 380.
Rodriguez-Carrion, A.; Garcia-Rubio, C.; Campo, C. Detecting and Reducing Biases in Cellular-Based Mobility Data Sets. Entropy 2018, 20, 736.
Garcia-Lozano, E.; Campo, C; Garcia-Rubio, C.; Rodriguez-Carrion, A. A Bandwidth-Efficient Dissemination Scheme of Non-Safety Information in Urban VANETs. Sensors 16 (7), 988 - 2016
Rodriguez-Carrion, A.; Rebollo-Monedero, D.; Forné, J.; Campo, C.; Garcia-Rubio, C.; Parra-Arnau, J.; Das, Sajal K.. Entropy-based privacy against profiling of user mobility. Entropy 17 (6), 3913-3946. 2015
Research projects
- Monoloc (financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, dentro del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011 expediente IPT-430000-2011-1272)
- Easywireless 2 (CELTIC - Avanza I+D)
- Easywireless (ITEA - PROFIT)
- UBISEC (Sixth Framework Programme)