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Publications of Carlos J. Bernardos

Public profiles: Google Scholar, DBLP, IEEE Xplore, Microsoft Academic

Last updated: 2021-10-01

Journal Publications | Conferences | Other | Book Chapters | Standardization
 Journal Publications
The * denotes a JCR-indexed journal.
 Conferences, Workshops, Summits
 Book Chapters
  • 15. RFC 8948: Structured Local Address Plan (SLAP) Quadrant Selection Option for DHCPv6
    CJ. Bernardos, Alain Mourad
    IETF, Standards Track, Dec 2021

  • 14. RFC 8947: Link-Layer Address Assignment Mechanism for DHCPv6
    Bernie Volz, Tomek Mrugalski, CJ. Bernardos
    IETF, Standards Track, Dec 2021

  • 13. RFC 8885: Proxy Mobile IPv6 Extensions for Distributed Mobility Management
    CJ. Bernardos, Antonio de la Oliva, Fabio Giust, Juan-Carlos Zúńiga, Alain Mourad
    IETF, Experimental, Oct 2020

  • 12. RFC 8818: Distributed Mobility Anchoring
    Anthony Chan, Xinpeng Wei, Jong-Hyouk Lee, Seil Jeon, CJ. Bernardos (Ed.)
    IETF, Informational, Oct 2020

  • 11. RFC 8597: Cooperating Layered Architecture for Software-Defined Networking (CLAS)
    LM. Contreras, CJ. Bernardos, D. Lopez, M. Boucadair, P. Iovanna
    IETF, Informational, May 2019

  • 10. RFC 8568: Network Virtualization Research Challenges
    CJ. Bernardos, A. Rahman, JZ. Zuniga, LM. Contreras, P. Aranda, P. Lynch
    IETF, Informational, April 2019

  • 9. RFC 8432: A Framework for Management and Control of Microwave and Millimeter Wave Interface Parameters
    J. Ahlberg, M. Ye, X. Li, LM. Contreras, CJ. Bernardos
    IETF, Informational, October 2018

  • 8. RFC 7864: Proxy Mobile IPv6 Extensions to Support Flow Mobility
    CJ. Bernardos, Ed.
    IETF, Proposed Standard, March 2016

  • 7. RFC 7778: Mobile Communication Congestion Exposure Scenario
    D. Kutscher, F. Mir, R. Winter, S. Krishnan, Y. Zhang and CJ. Bernardos
    IETF, Informational, October 2015

  • 6. RFC 7429: Distributed Mobility Management: Current Practices and Gap Analysis
    D. Liu, JC. Zuniga, P. Seite, H. Chan and CJ. Bernardos
    IETF, Informational, January 2015

  • 5. RFC 7333: Requirements for Distributed Mobility Management
    H. Chan (Ed), CJ. Bernardos (listed as contributor)
    IETF, Informational, August 2014

  • 4. RFC 7161: Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) Multicast Handover Optimization by the Subscription Information Acquisition through the LMA (SIAL)
    LM. Conteras, CJ. Bernardos and I. Soto
    IETF, Experimental, March 2014

  • 3. RFC 7148: Prefix Delegation Support for Proxy Mobile IPv6
    X. Zhou, J. Korhonen, C. Williams, S. Gundavelli and CJ. Bernardos
    IETF, Proposed Standard, March 2014

  • 2. RFC 7028: Multicast Mobility Routing Optimizations for Proxy Mobile IPv6
    JC. Zuniga, LM. Contreras, CJ. Bernardos, S. Jeon and Y. Kim
    IETF, Experimental, September 2013

  • 1. RFC 6276: DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation for Network Mobility (NEMO)
    R. Droms, P. Thubert, F. Dupont, W. Haddad and CJ. Bernardos
    IETF, Proposed Standard, July 2011

  • Note: you can also check my list of I-Ds and published documents on the IETF.
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