Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

Partial submission (10%) and project exam (10%)

Previous activities

1.  Submitting the code

These are the stes you need to send your exercise through Aula Global:

  1. Send your code through Aula Global
  2. Verify that your code is downloading it from Aula Global. If you have sent wrong, try it again.

2.  Training for the assement

This exercise will help you prepare for the in-lab exam on the project before going. To do this we recommend that you try to do the following things:

  1. Explore the source cod of your project and write a small document describing the structure
  2. Download from Aula Global your code and try to make small modifications. A modification can be to create/delete/change a new menu functionality. Changes may mean that you have to read/write/change data structures (potentially, both in memory and on file) and interactions on standard input/output.