Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

10.2.  Reference application

Next, a reference application is presented for this material. For the successive explanation and activities, we will base on this reference application in multiple occasions.

The reference application for this session, must be able to manage an undefined number of photos. Each photo has a unique identifier, a file name, a file type (indicates the format that can be JPG, BMP, or GIF), the size of the photo, and the author of the photo.

In addition, many of the photos are done by the same authors, and the folllowing information for each author must be stored: name, surname, age, and contact phone.

Those photos must be listed based on different conditions, and the related information for the photos must be shown as well as the authors' information of such photos. Moreover, the application must be able to show the information about the total number of photos that a specific author has taken, and the present system time..