Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

Active learning and continuous evaluation

1.  Organization and methodology

The organization and adopted methodology for this course is oriented to let you achieve particular learning outcomes, following a continuous evaluation approach. What does a continuous evaluation imply? This approach requires certain burden to you as a student, self and constant learning that you were not required in the traditional evaluation (until the last month of the term).

2.  Interacting in class and participation

Interaction is a crucial element in an educative process. This subject is organized for you to interact:

  • With your teacher: In tutoring sessions, in the forum, in class. Ask what you don't understand. Ask always. Your teacher is there to help you to find the answer.

  • With your partners: You will scarcely work alone. You almost always work with the rest of the students, in pairs or in groups.


[Hernandez, 2011] Gaspar Hernández. El talento para quien se lo trabaja. Elpaís.com http://elpais.com/diario/2011/02/27/eps/1298791612_850215.html. February, 27th, 2011 (in Spanish).

[Mazur, 2009] Eric Mazur. Farewell, Lecture?. Science. Vol. 323. Pages 50-51. 2009.

[Prince, 2004] M. J. Prince. Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 93. Pages 223-231. 2004.

[Revell, 2009] Andrea Revell and Emma Wainwright. What makes lectures Unmissable? Insights into teaching excellence and active learning. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. Vol. 33. Pages 209-223. 2009.