Research projects
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
- 1995
Publications 2004
- [Almenarez et al. 04a]
F. Almenárez, A. Marín, C. Campo, C. García-Rubio.
Managing ad-hoc trust relationships in pervasive environments.
In Workshop on Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing, SPPC04 at Pervasive. Vienna, Austria.
20 April 2004.
- [Almenarez et al. 04b]
F. Almenárez, A. Marín, C. Campo, C. García-Rubio.
PTM: A Pervasive Trust Management Model for Dynamic Open Environments.
In First Workshop on Pervasive Security, Privacy and Trust, PSPT04 in conjuntion with Mobiquitous 2004. Boston, MA, USA..
26 August 2004.
- [Almenarez et al. 04c]
F. Almenárez, D. Díaz, A. Marín.
Secure Ad-hoc mBusiness: Enhancing WindowsCE Security.
In 1st Conference on Trust Digital Business, TrustBus04. Zaragoza, Spain. .
30 August 3 September 2004.
- [Azcorra et al. 04a]
A. Azcorra, I. Soto, I. Vidal, C. García, F. Valera, R. Sánchez, A. Pérez.
Designing an advanced regional research network .
IEEE Communications Magazine, Global Communications Newsletter, pgs. 22-23, ISSN : 0163-6804.
Abril 2004.
- [Azcorra et al. 04b]
A. Azcorra, G. Ibáñez .
Adaptative Routing Bridges: Nuevos enfoques para redes campus computadas .
Mundo Internet, Madrid.
Febrero 2004 .
- [Azcorra et al. 04c]
A. Azcorra, C. García, I. Vidal, I. Soto .
Red Telemática de Investigación de Madrid. Presentación.
Medioambiente y Alternativas Energéticas Sostenibles. Presentación de la Red Telemática de Investigación de Madrid. ISBN:
84-608-0050-4 .
- [Bagnulo et al.04a]
M. Bagnulo, J. F. Rodríguez-Hervella, A. García-Martínez, A. Azcorra.
Multi-Homing Tunnel Broker.
IEEE Euromicro 2004, Rennes, Francia.
September 2004.
- [Bagnulo et al.04b]
M. Bagnulo, A. García-Martínez, J. F. Rodríguez-Hervella, A. Azcorra.
The Case for Source Address Dependent Routing in Multihoming.
1st International Workshop on QoS Routing. Barcelona.
Octubre 2004.
- [Banchs 04a]
A. Banchs.
Analysis of the Delay Distribution in 802.11 DCF: Step Towards End-to-end Delay Guarantees in WLAN.
5th International Workshop on Quality of future Internet Services (QofIS'04), Barcelona, Spain.
September 2004.
- [Banchs et al. 04b]
X. Perez, A. Banchs, J. Noguera, S. Sallent.
Optimal Radio Acess Bearer Configuration for Voice over IP in 3G UMTS networks.
European Wireless 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
February 2004.
- [Basanta et al.04]
P. Basanta, Marisol García-Valls, Iria Estevez-Ayres.
No Heap Remote Objects: Leaving Out the Garbage Collector at the Server Side.
Second International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems JTRES04. LNCS 3292 On the Move
to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: OTM 2004 Worshops.
25-29 Obctober 2004.
- [Bernardos et al. 04]
Carlos Jesús Bernardos, Marcelo Bagnulo, María Calderón.
MIRON: MIPv6 Route Optimization for NEMO.
4th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks ASWN 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
8-11 August 2004.
- [Breuer et al. 04]
Peter T. Breuer, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Vicente Luque Centeno, Luis Sánchez Fernández.
Higher Order Applicative XML Documents.
Radical Innovations of Software and Systems Engineering in the Future, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2941, Ed. Springer,
ISSN 0302-9743, , pags 91-107 .
March 2004.
- [Crespo et al. 04]
Raquel M. Crespo, Abelardo Pardo, Carlos Delgado Kloos.
An Adaptive Strategy for Peer Review.
34th. Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2004. Savannah, GA, EEUU.
20-23 October 2004.
- [Cuevas et al. 04]
Antonio Cuevas, Pablo Serrano, Carlos J. Bernardos, Jose I. Moreno, Juergen Jaehnert, Hyung-Woo Kim, Jie Zhou, Diogo Gomes,
Pedro Gonçalves, Rui L. Aguiar.
Field Evaluation of a 4G True-IP network .
13th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit. Lyon, France .
27-30 June 2004..
- [Delgado 04c]
C. Delgado.
Prólogo del libro A. Rendón, M. Llamas (eds.) Tecnologías para la Distribución de la Información y el Procesamiento: Internet
Ed. Universidad del Cauca, ISBN 958-9475-46-9. Bogotá (Colombia).
Marzo 2004.
- [Delgado et al. 04a]
C. Delgado, A. Pardo.
EduTech: Computer-Aided Design meets Computer-Aided Learning.
Kluwer, ISBN 1-4020-8161-8, DordrechtI.
- [Delgado et al. 04b]
C. Delgado, A. Pardo, P. Muñoz, N. Pérez .
A Type-Based Taxonomy of Items in Assessments.
EduTech: Computer-Aided Design meets Computer-Aided Learning (ISBN 1-4020-8161-8), Kluwer, Dordrecht.
- [Diederich et al. 04]
J. Diederich (U. Carlos III de Madrid) and M. Zitterbart (U. of Karlsruhe).
Handoff Prioritization Schemes using Early Blocking.
IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials.
- [Estevez-Ayres et al 04a]
Iria Estévez-Ayres, Pablo Basanta, Marisol García Valls.
Docencia de Programación Concurrente. Experiencias de laboratorio..
VII Jornadas de Tiempo Real. Málaga, Spain..
5-6 February 2004.
- [Estevez-Ayres et al 04b]
Iria Estévez-Ayres, Pablo Basanta, Norberto Fernández, Marisol García-Valls..
Beyond JAIN. Towards parlay-based Java APIs for Telecommunications..
EUNICE 2004 10th Open European Summer School and IFIP WG 6.3 Workshop on Advances in Fixed and Mobile Networks. Sponsored
by IEEE (Finland Section). ISBN: 952-15-1187-7. Tampere, Finland..
June 14-16, 2004.
- [Estevez-Ayres et al 04c]
Iria Estévez-Ayres, Alberto García-Martínez.
Transparent Traversal Through NATs (TTN). Providing incoming connectivity to NAT clients..
Proc. of IADAT-tcn2004 International Conference on Telecommunications and Computer Networks. ISBN: 84-933971-1-3. San Sebastian,
Spain .
1-3 December 2004..
- [Fernández et al. 04]
N. Fernández García, J. Villamor Lugo, J. M. Blázquez del Toro, L. Sánchez Fernández, P. Jiménez Bermejo, J. Arias Fisteus.
Acceso a Contenidos Distribuidos con Tecnologías de Servicios Web y Web Semántica.
XIV Jornadas Telecom I+D. Madrid, Spain..
23-25 November 2004.
- [Fernández et al. 04a]
N. Fernández García, L. Sánchez Fernández, J. Villamor Lugo.
Next Generation Web Technologies in Content Management.
WWW2004 Conference. New York (USA).
may 2004.
- [Fernández et al. 04b]
N. Fernández García, L. Sánchez Fernández.
Building an Ontology for NEWS Applications.
Third International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) Poster Session - Hiroshima, Japan..
November 2004.
- [Fisteus et al. 04a]
Jesús Arias Fisteus, Andrés Marín López, Carlos Delgado Kloos.
VERBUS: A Formal Model for Business Process Verification.
2004 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
23-26 May 2004.
- [Fisteus et al. 04b]
Jesús Arias Fisteus, Luis Sánchez Fernández, Carlos Delgado Kloos.
Formal Verification of BPEL4WS Business Collaborations.
Fifth International Conference on E-Commerce and Web Technologies, EC-Web'04. LNCS 3182. Zaragoza, Spain..
August 31-September 3, 2004.
- [Fisteus et al. 04c]
Jesús Arias Fisteus, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Luis Sánchez Fernández.
Verificación de composiciones de servicios Web: Aplicación de model checking a BPEL4WS.
IX Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, JISBD'04. Málaga, Spain..
10-12 de Noviembre de 2004.
- [García Rueda et al. 04a]
Webster, S.; Hernández, A.; García, J.J. y de las Heras, A. (coordinador) .
Informe sobre el curso en Red Creación.
- [García Rueda et al. 04b]
Franco Espinosa, C.; García Rueda, J.J. y Román Julián, R. .
International Conference on Education IADAT-e2004, Innovation, Technology and Research in Education, Bilbao (España)..
Del 7 al 9 de julio de 2004..
- [García Rueda et al. 04c]
Ibáñez, G.y García Rueda, J.J. .
Deconstructing films: New ways to teach cinema using hypermedia tools.
International Conference on Education IADAT-e2004, Innovation, Technology and Research in Education; Bilbao (España)..
Del 7 al 9 de julio de 2004 .
- [García Rueda et al. 04d]
Fernández Garrido, P.; García Rueda, J.J. y Ramírez Velarde, R. .
International Conference on Education IADAT-e2004, Innovation, Technology and Research in Education; Bilbao (España)..
Del 7 al 9 de julio de 2004.
- [García Rueda et al. 04e]
Ibáñez Fernández, G. y García Rueda, J.J. .
Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Mapas Conceptuales CMC 2004; Pamplona (España).
14-17 septiembre 2004.
- [García Rueda et al. 04f]
Franco Espinosa, C.; García Rueda, J.J. y Román Julián, R. .
A multimedia-based tool for e-learning at Information Systems university course.
XVII Congreso Nacional y el III Congreso Internacional de Informática y Computación de ANIEI; Tepic (Méjico).
20-22 de octubre de 2004 .
- [García Rueda et al. 04g]
Franco Espinosa, C. y García Rueda, JJ. .
Narrativa hipermediática: los nuevos contenidos para el cibermundo.
II Congreso Online del Observatorio para la Cibersociedad.
2-14 de noviembre de 2004.
- [García-García 04a]
C. García.
Techniques to include QoS capabilities in Java-RMI.
EUNICE 2004, 10th European Summer School and IFIP WG 6.3 Workshop. Tampere (Finland). Sponsored by IEEE (Finland Section).
ISBN: 952-15-1187-7.
June 14-16, 2004.
- [García-García et al. 04b]
C. García, L. Bellido, D. Fernández, F. Valera, J.L. Peña, L.M. Díaz, A. Azcorra, J. Berrocal, I. Cabello, R. López.
Diseño, despliegue y utilización de una red óptica metropolitana IP-DWDM.
Boletin de la red nacional de I+D, RedIRIS 66-67. Págs: 34-38. ISSN: 1139-207X.
Enero 2004.
- [Gutiérrez at al 04b]
Sergio Gutiérrez and Abelardo Pardo and Carlos Delgado Kloos.
An Adapting Tutoring System Based on Hierarchical Graphs.
Adaptive Hypermedia AH'04.
August 2004.
- [Gutierrez et al. 04]
Sergio Gutierrez, Rosa Maria Garcia Rioja, Abelardo Pardo, Carlos Delgado Kloos.
Beyond Simple Sequencing: Sequencing of Learning Activities using Hierarquical Graphs.
The IASTED International Conference on WEB-BASED EDUCATION, WBE 04, Innsbruck, Austria.
February 16-18, 2004.
- [Hassapis et al. 04]
G. Hassapis, S.Tzortzidou, A. Pardo, C. Delgado .
Teaching an Operating Systems Course over a Spatially Distributed Multinational Class: Lessons Learned.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN 0302-9743). Springer-Verlag. Heidelberg.
- [Ibáñez et al. 04]
G. Ibáñez, A. Azcorra .
Application of Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol for Automatic Hierarchical Address Assignment to Bridges .
Networks 2004. 11th International Telecom. Network Strategy and Planning Symposium Vienna, Austria.
13-16 June 2004 .
- [Ibáñez et al. 04]
G. Ibáñez, J.J. García.
Applying Concept Maps and Hypermedia to Film Analysis ; Pamplona (España). 14-17 septiembre 2004..
First International Conference on Concept Maps. Pamplona, Spain.
14-17 September 2004.
- [Ibañez et al. 04a]
G. Ibáñez, A. García, A. Azcorra.
Alternative Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (AMSTP) for Optical Ethernet Backbones.
29th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). Tampa, Florida.
November 2004.
- [Larrabeiti et al. 04]
D. Larrabeiti, R. Romeral, M. Urueña, A. Azcorra, P. Serrano.
Charging for web content pre-fetching in 3G networks.
4th International Workshop on Internet Charging andQoS Technology, ICQT 2004. Germany.
Septiembre 2004.
- [LMS04]
L.R. Lopez Lopez, N. Martinez Madrid and R. Seepold.
Flexible and Transparent Multimedia Routing on OSGi Environments.
OSGi Alliance 2004 World Congress, Barcelona, Spain.
11.-15. October 2004.
- [Luque et al. 04a]
Vicente Luque Centeno, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Luis Sánchez Fernández, Norberto Fernández García.
Intelligent Automated Navigation through the Deep Web.
Advances in Web Intelligence: Second International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2004, Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, LNCS 3034, Ed. Springer, ISSN 0302-9743, pags. 125-134, Cancun, Mexico.
May 16-19 2004.
- [Luque et al. 04b]
Vicente Luque Centeno, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Luis Sánchez Fernández, Norberto Fernández García.
MSC-based Formalism for Automated Web Navigation.
International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3140, Ed. Springer, ISSN 0302-9743,
pags. 591-592, Munich, Germany.
July 28-30 2004.
- [Luque et al. 04c]
Vicente Luque Centeno, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Luis Sánchez Fernández, Norberto Fernández García.
Web Task Automation: a Standards-based proposal.
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), Special
Issue on Web and Database Technologies in Business Solution, Volume 1 - Issue 3 - 2004, ISSN 1476-1289, pags. 374 - 391.
- [Luque et al. 04d]
Vicente Luque, Carlos Delgado, Luis Sánchez, Norberto Fernández.
Device independence for Web Wrapper Agents.
Device Independent Web Engineering, DIWE'04, Markus Lauff, Thomas Ziegert. Published on ICWE 2004's Workshop.
- [Montilla et al. 04]
A. Montilla, J. Moreno, I. Soto.
Advanced Positioning and Location based services in 4G Mobile-IP Radio Access Networks.
15TH IEEE International Symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio communications. Barcelona, Spain.
5-8 September 2004.
- [Munoz 04a]
Mario Muñoz, Jesus A. Fisteus, Johannes Textor, Carlos Delgado Kloos,.
Characterizing and Categorizing Internal Administrative Processes in an e-Government Setting.
IADIS e-Commerce 2004, Lisboa..
Diciembre 2004.
- [Munoz 04b]
Mario Muñoz, Carlos García Rubio.
A new model for service and application convergente in B3G/4G networks.
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine Special Issue on Applications and Services for the B3G/4G era. .
Octubre 2004.
- [Munoz 04c]
Mario Muñoz.
A Security Architecture for Open Services in Pervasive Computing Environments.
EUNICE 04 Summer School. Tampere, Finlandia.
Junio 2004.
- [Murueña et al. 04]
M. Urueña, D. Larrabeiti, P. Serrano.
A scalable service discovery framework with load sharing capabilities.
Workshop on Challenges in Mobility.
IFIP World Computer Congress. Toulouse France.
22-27 August 2004.
- [Pickin et al. 04]
S. Pickin, J.-M. Jézéquel.
Using UML sequence diagrams as the basis for a formal test description language.
Integrated Formal Methods, IFM'04, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. LNCS 2999, Springer Verlag 2004.
April 2004.
- [Reviriego 04]
P. Reviriego.
Arquitecturas para la Implementación de conmutadores Ethernet.
Jornadas Telecom I+D.
Octubre 2004.
- [Romeral et al. 04]
R. Romeral, D. Larrabeiti, M. Urueña, A. Azcorra, S. Gallego.
A new scenario and techniques for content prefetching in 3G networks.
Workshop on Challenges in Mobility. IFIP World Computer Congress. Toulouse, France.
22-27 August 2004.
- [Romeral et al. 04b]
R. Romeral, D. Larrabeiti, M. Urueña, A. Azcorra, S. Gallego.
Prefetching en redes UMTS. Nuevo escenario y técnicas.
Jornadas Telecom I+D 2004, Madrid, Spain.
23-25 November 2004.
- [Villamor et al. 04]
J. Villamor, N. Fernández, L. Sánchez, J. Arias, T. Nogales, A. Hernández, D. Rodríguez.
Infoflex: Flexible and Distributed Content Management. Using Web Services and Semantic Web to Manage Content.
ICEIS 2004. 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
April 2004.
- [Villena et al. 04]
José M. Goñi-Menoyo, José C. González-Cristóbal, José L. Martínez-Fernández, Julio Villena-Román, Ana M. García-Serrano, Paloma
Martínez-Fernández, César de Pablo-Sánchez, Javier Alonso-Sánchez.
Image Retrieval: The MIRACLE Approach.
Proceedings of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2004, Bath, United Kingdom.
15-17 September 2004.
- [Villena et al. 04b]
J.L. Martínez-Fernández, Ana García Serrano, Julio Villena, Víctor David Méndez Sáenz, Santiago González Tortosa, Michelangelo
Castagnone, Javier Alonso.
MIRACLE at ImageCLEF 2004.
Proceedings of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2004, Bath, United Kingdom.
15-17 September 2004.
- [Villena et al. 04c]
C. de Pablo, J.L. Martínez-Fernández, P. Martínez, J. Villena, A.M. García-Serrano, J.M. Goñi, J.C. González.
miraQA: Initial Experiments in Question Answering.
Proceedings of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2004, Bath, United Kingdom.
15-17 September 2004.
- [Villena et al. 04d]
José Luis Martínez-Fernández, Ana García-Serrano, Paloma Martínez, Julio Villena.
Automatic Keyword Extraction for News Finder.
First International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, AMR 2003. ISBN: 3-540-22163-8. Lecture Notes on Computer Science,
Volume 3094 / 2004..
July 2004.
- [Villena et al. 04e]
Julio Villena, José L. Martínez, Jorge Fombella, Ana G. Serrano, Alberto Ruiz, Paloma Martínez, José M. Goñi, José C. González.
Image Retrieval: The MIRACLE Approach.
Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems: 4th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF
2003, Trondheim, Norway. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3237 / 2004. ISBN: 3-540-24017-9.
November 2004.
- [Villena et al. 04f]
José L. Martínez, Julio Villena, Jorge Fombella, Ana G. Serrano, Paloma Martínez, José M. Goñi, José C. González.
MIRACLE Approaches to Multilingual Information Retrieval: A Baseline for Future Research.
Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems: 4th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF
2003, Trondheim, Norway. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3237 / 2004. ISBN: 3-540-24017-9.
November 2004.