Tutorial A-A:
The IEEE Standard VHDL Synthesis Packages: IEEE Std
- J. Bhasker: Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
In this tutorial, we will provide a look at the two standard VHDL
synthesis packages that recently became an IEEE standard. The tutorial
will explain in-depth the types and the various subprograms that make up
the two packages. The two packages, NUMERIC_BIT and NUMERIC_STD, are
arithmetic packages directed specifically for providing portability of
VHDL synthesis models. The package NUMERIC_BIT contains arithmetic
operations based on the type BIT, while the package NUMERIC_STD contains
arithmetic operations based on the type STD_LOGIC. The rationale behind
the design of the packages will also be presented.
The tutorial will also provide practical application usage of the
packages in synthesizable VHDL models. This will demosntrate the
portability feature of models that use these synthesis
packages. Examples such as counters, finite-state-machines that use
these packages will also be shown.
Curriculum Vitae
J. Bhasker received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering
and an M.Tech. degree in computer technology
from Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
in 1977 and 1982 respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer
and information sciences
from University of Minnesota, Minneapolis in 1985.
He is currently a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Design
Automation Center at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, where he
has worked on synthesis and HDLs for the past nine years.
Earlier he was a principal research engineer in the Advanced Architecture
and Design section of Honeywell Corporate Systems Development Division.
He has authored five books of which "A VHDL Primer" (Published Prentice
and "A VHDL Synthesis Primer" (Published Star Galaxy Publishing) are the
most popular books.
He also has been a Technical Program Chair, served on the technical
program committees and served as session chairs at various
VHDL International conferences (VIUF). In addition, he has over twenty
journal and conference publications.