Tutorial A-C: Behavioral and System-Level VHDL



VHDL is widely used in the current design process. It is mainly applied for modeling, specification and simulation on Gate- and RT-Level. In this tutorial, VHDL aspects useful for behavioral modeling are taught. First all related VHDL features are repeated, namely: time model, driver model, hierarchy model and access types. Additionally abstraction in context of modeling and design is defined, classified and related to VHDL features. The term "behavioral modeling" is also discussed in this context. Modeling of monitors and communication mechanisms, well known from operating system theory, are covered then in the first VHDL modeling related part. The second part coming next deals with abstract data types as known from software engineering. Afterwards a communication scheme for variant length data is presented. Both, communication mechanisms and abstract data types are combined in this application. Finally a set of application domains for the modeling techniques are shown.


Advanced VHDL users.