Tutorial A-D:
VHDL 1076.1 Through Examples



As VHDL 1076.1 is about to go through an IEEE standard ballot process, it is appropriate to get a good idea of the capabilities the language will offer as an analog and a mixed-signal description and simulation language. This tutorial intends to present both basic and advanced capabilities of VHDL 1076.1 through a number of significant examples both in electrical and non electrical disciplines. The tutorial will stress functionalities rather than pure language issues. As a specific application example, an approach to migrate from SPICE descriptions will also be presented.

Curriculum Vitae

Alain Vachoux holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, Switzerland. He is currently a senior research staff member of the Integrated Systems Center at the same Institute. His main task is the management and the development of EDA tools, with a particular emphasis on modeling, simulation and synthesis with hardware description languages, such as VHDL. Since 1992, he is a member of the IEEE DASC 1076.1 working group for analog extensions to VHDL. He currently is the secretary of the 1076.1 working group and is participating to the design of the 1076.1 language.