MOOC Canvas

The MOOC Canvas is a conceptual framework for supporting educators in the description and design of MOOCs. The MOOC Canvas is inspired by the Business Model Canvas and defines eleven interrelated issues that are addressed through a set of questions, offering a visual and understandable guidance for educators during the MOOC design process.

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The MOOC Canvas offers a visual representation of the main issues to be considered when designing a MOOC from scratch. This way the teaching staff can reflect and discuss about these issues helped by given questions.


The MOOC Canvas helps the teaching staff be aware of the available resources before taking any decisions about the design of the MOOC.


The MOOC Canvas is useful to see the MOOC description at a glance, and to share the experience of designing the MOOC with other educators that may face similar design decisions in their courses.


Alario-Hoyos, C., Pérez-Sanagustín, M., Cormier, D., Delgado-Kloos, C., Proposal for a conceptual framework for educators to describe and design MOOCs, Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), Special issue on Interaction in Massive Courses, (in press - expected in January 2014).