MID Profile

Uses of Class

Packages that use Font
javax.microedition.lcdui The UI API provides a set of features for implementation of user interfaces for MIDP applications. 

Uses of Font in javax.microedition.lcdui

Methods in javax.microedition.lcdui that return Font
 Font ChoiceGroup.getFont(int elementNum)
          Gets the application's preferred font for rendering the specified element of this Choice.
 Font List.getFont(int elementNum)
          Gets the application's preferred font for rendering the specified element of this Choice.
 Font StringItem.getFont()
          Gets the application's preferred font for rendering this StringItem.
static Font Font.getFont(int fontSpecifier)
          Gets the Font used by the high level user interface for the fontSpecifier passed in.
static Font Font.getDefaultFont()
          Gets the default font of the system.
static Font Font.getFont(int face, int style, int size)
          Obtains an object representing a font having the specified face, style, and size.
 Font Graphics.getFont()
          Gets the current font.
 Font Choice.getFont(int elementNum)
          Gets the application's preferred font for rendering the specified element of this Choice.

Methods in javax.microedition.lcdui with parameters of type Font
 void ChoiceGroup.setFont(int elementNum, Font font)
          Sets the application's preferred font for rendering the specified element of this Choice.
 void List.setFont(int elementNum, Font font)
          Sets the application's preferred font for rendering the specified element of this Choice.
 void StringItem.setFont(Font font)
          Sets the application's preferred font for rendering this StringItem.
 void Graphics.setFont(Font font)
          Sets the font for all subsequent text rendering operations.
 void Choice.setFont(int elementNum, Font font)
          Sets the application's preferred font for rendering the specified element of this Choice.

MID Profile

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