JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.3.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeCode
org.omg.CORBA Provides the mapping of the OMG CORBA APIs to the JavaTM programming language, including the class ORB, which is implemented so that a programmer can use it as a fully-functional Object Request Broker (ORB). 
org.omg.CORBA.portable Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB. 
org.omg.CosNaming Provides the naming service for Java IDL. 
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage Provides the exceptions used in the package org.omg.CosNaming (AlreadyBound, CannotProceed, InvalidName, NotEmpty, and NotFound) and also the Helper and Holder classes for those exceptions. 

Uses of TypeCode in org.omg.CORBA

Fields in org.omg.CORBA declared as TypeCode
 TypeCode UnionMember.type
          The type of the union member described by this UnionMember object.
 TypeCode StructMember.type
          The type of the struct member described by this StructMember object.
 TypeCode TypeCodeHolder.value
          The TypeCode value held by this TypeCodeHolder object.
 TypeCode ValueMember.type
          The type of the value member described by this ValueMember object.

Methods in org.omg.CORBA that return TypeCode
 TypeCode UShortSeqHolder._type()
 TypeCode DynAny.type()
          Returns the TypeCode of the object inserted into this DynAny.
 TypeCode DynAny.get_typecode()
          Retrieves the org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode contained in this DynAny object.
 TypeCode DoubleHolder._type()
          Return the TypeCode of this holder object.
 TypeCode AnyHolder._type()
          Returns the TypeCode object corresponding to the value held in this AnyHolder object.
static TypeCode UnionMemberHelper.type()
static TypeCode ServiceInformationHelper.type()
 TypeCode DoubleSeqHolder._type()
static TypeCode PolicyListHelper.type()
abstract  TypeCode Any.type()
          Returns type information for the element contained in this Any object.
abstract  TypeCode Any.extract_TypeCode()
          Extracts the TypeCode object in this Any object's value field.
 TypeCode ShortSeqHolder._type()
 TypeCode ObjectHolder._type()
          Returns the TypeCode corresponding to the value held in this ObjectHolder object
 TypeCode LongLongSeqHolder._type()
 TypeCode ShortHolder._type()
          Returns the TypeCode corresponding to the value held in this ShortHolder object.
static TypeCode NameValuePairHelper.type()
static TypeCode LongSeqHelper.type()
 TypeCode ULongLongSeqHolder._type()
 TypeCode CurrentHolder._type()
 TypeCode CharHolder._type()
          Returns the TypeCode object corresponding to the value held in this CharHolder object.
 TypeCode PrincipalHolder._type()
 TypeCode ValueBaseHolder._type()
          Returns the TypeCode object corresponding to the value held in the Holder.
static TypeCode OctetSeqHelper.type()
static TypeCode IdentifierHelper.type()
 TypeCode PolicyHolder._type()
static TypeCode FloatSeqHelper.type()
 TypeCode AnySeqHolder._type()
static TypeCode ServiceDetailHelper.type()
 TypeCode PolicyListHolder._type()
static TypeCode BooleanSeqHelper.type()
static TypeCode VisibilityHelper.type()
static TypeCode ULongSeqHelper.type()
static TypeCode StringValueHelper.type()
static TypeCode CharSeqHelper.type()
static TypeCode SetOverrideTypeHelper.type()
 TypeCode ServiceInformationHolder._type()
          Retrieves the TypeCode object that corresponds to the value held in this ServiceInformationHolder object's value field.
 TypeCode IntHolder._type()
          Retrieves the TypeCode object that corresponds to the value held in this IntHolder object's value field.
static TypeCode VersionSpecHelper.type()
static TypeCode DefinitionKindHelper.type()
static TypeCode StructMemberHelper.type()
 TypeCode LongSeqHolder._type()
 TypeCode StringHolder._type()
          Retreives the TypeCode object that corresponds to the value held in this StringHolder object.
 TypeCode FixedHolder._type()
          Return the TypeCode of this holder object.
static TypeCode IDLTypeHelper.type()
static TypeCode UShortSeqHelper.type()
 TypeCode TypeCodeHolder._type()
          Returns the TypeCode corresponding to the value held in this TypeCodeHolder object.
static TypeCode WCharSeqHelper.type()
 TypeCode OctetSeqHolder._type()
 TypeCode TypeCode.get_compact_typecode()
          Strips out all optional name and member name fields, but leaves all alias typecodes intact.
abstract  TypeCode TypeCode.member_type(int index)
          Retrieves the TypeCode object describing the type of the member identified by the given index.
abstract  TypeCode TypeCode.discriminator_type()
          Returns a TypeCode object describing all non-default member labels.
abstract  TypeCode TypeCode.content_type()
          Returns the TypeCode object representing the IDL type for the members of the object described by this TypeCode object.
 TypeCode TypeCode.concrete_base_type()
          Returns the TypeCode object that describes the concrete base type of the value type that this TypeCode object describes.
static TypeCode DoubleSeqHelper.type()
 TypeCode DataInputStream.read_TypeCode()
          Reads an IDL typecode from the input stream.
static TypeCode WStringValueHelper.type()
static TypeCode PolicyTypeHelper.type()
 TypeCode BooleanSeqHolder._type()
 TypeCode FloatSeqHolder._type()
static TypeCode ULongLongSeqHelper.type()
abstract  TypeCode ExceptionList.item(int index)
          Returns the TypeCode object at the given index.
static TypeCode RepositoryIdHelper.type()
static TypeCode ShortSeqHelper.type()
 TypeCode ULongSeqHolder._type()
abstract  TypeCode ORB.get_primitive_tc(TCKind tcKind)
          Retrieves the TypeCode object that represents the given primitive IDL type.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_struct_tc(String id, String name, StructMember[] members)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL struct.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_union_tc(String id, String name, TypeCode discriminator_type, UnionMember[] members)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL union.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_enum_tc(String id, String name, String[] members)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL enum.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_alias_tc(String id, String name, TypeCode original_type)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL alias (typedef).
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_exception_tc(String id, String name, StructMember[] members)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL exception.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_interface_tc(String id, String name)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL interface.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_string_tc(int bound)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing a bounded IDL string.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_wstring_tc(int bound)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing a bounded IDL wstring (wide string).
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_sequence_tc(int bound, TypeCode element_type)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL sequence.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_recursive_sequence_tc(int bound, int offset)
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_array_tc(int length, TypeCode element_type)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL array.
 TypeCode ORB.create_native_tc(String id, String name)
          Create a TypeCode object for an IDL native type.
 TypeCode ORB.create_abstract_interface_tc(String id, String name)
          Create a TypeCode object for an IDL abstract interface.
 TypeCode ORB.create_fixed_tc(short digits, short scale)
          Create a TypeCode object for an IDL fixed type.
 TypeCode ORB.create_value_tc(String id, String name, short type_modifier, TypeCode concrete_base, ValueMember[] members)
          Create a TypeCode object for an IDL value type.
 TypeCode ORB.create_recursive_tc(String id)
          Create a recursive TypeCode object which serves as a placeholder for a concrete TypeCode during the process of creating TypeCodes which contain recursion.
 TypeCode ORB.create_value_box_tc(String id, String name, TypeCode boxed_type)
          Creates a TypeCode object for an IDL value box.
 TypeCode FloatHolder._type()
          Return the TypeCode of this Streamable.
static TypeCode ObjectHelper.type()
static TypeCode CurrentHelper.type()
static TypeCode LongLongSeqHelper.type()
 TypeCode ByteHolder._type()
          Returns the TypeCode corresponding to the value held in this ByteHolder object.
 TypeCode _IDLTypeStub.type()
 TypeCode BooleanHolder._type()
          Retrieves the TypeCode object that corresponds to the value held in this BooleanHolder object.
 TypeCode CharSeqHolder._type()
static TypeCode CompletionStatusHelper.type()
 TypeCode LongHolder._type()
          Returns the TypeCode object corresponding to the value held in the Holder.
 TypeCode IDLTypeOperations.type()
          The type attribute describes the type defined by an object derived from IDLType.
static TypeCode FieldNameHelper.type()
static TypeCode ValueBaseHelper.type()
 TypeCode WCharSeqHolder._type()
static TypeCode PolicyHelper.type()
static TypeCode AnySeqHelper.type()
static TypeCode ValueMemberHelper.type()

Methods in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type TypeCode
 void DynAny.insert_typecode(TypeCode value)
          Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode as the value for this DynAny object.
abstract  void Any.type(TypeCode t)
          Sets this Any object's type field to the given TypeCode object and clears its value.
abstract  void Any.read_value(InputStream is, TypeCode t)
          Reads off (unmarshals) the value of an Any object from the given input stream using the given typecode.
abstract  void Any.insert_Object(Object o, TypeCode t)
          Inserts the given org.omg.CORBA.Object object into this Any object's value field.
abstract  void Any.insert_TypeCode(TypeCode t)
          Inserts the given TypeCode object into this Any object's value field.
 void Any.insert_fixed(BigDecimal value, TypeCode type)
          Inserts the given java.math.BigDecimal object into this Any object's value field.
 void Any.insert_Value(Serializable v, TypeCode t)
          Inserts the given object into this Any object's value field.
 void DataOutputStream.write_TypeCode(TypeCode value)
          Writes the typecode to the output stream.
abstract  boolean TypeCode.equal(TypeCode tc)
          Compares this TypeCode object with the given one, testing for equality.
 boolean TypeCode.equivalent(TypeCode tc)
          Tests to see if the given TypeCode object is equivalent to this TypeCode object.
abstract  void ExceptionList.add(TypeCode exc)
          Adds a TypeCode object describing an exception to this ExceptionList object.
abstract  void Request.set_return_type(TypeCode tc)
          Sets the typecode for the return value of the method.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_union_tc(String id, String name, TypeCode discriminator_type, UnionMember[] members)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL union.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_alias_tc(String id, String name, TypeCode original_type)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL alias (typedef).
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_sequence_tc(int bound, TypeCode element_type)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL sequence.
abstract  TypeCode ORB.create_array_tc(int length, TypeCode element_type)
          Creates a TypeCode object representing an IDL array.
 TypeCode ORB.create_value_tc(String id, String name, short type_modifier, TypeCode concrete_base, ValueMember[] members)
          Create a TypeCode object for an IDL value type.
 TypeCode ORB.create_value_box_tc(String id, String name, TypeCode boxed_type)
          Creates a TypeCode object for an IDL value box.
 DynAny ORB.create_basic_dyn_any(TypeCode type)
          See package comments regarding unimplemented features.
 DynStruct ORB.create_dyn_struct(TypeCode type)
          See package comments regarding unimplemented features.
 DynSequence ORB.create_dyn_sequence(TypeCode type)
          See package comments regarding unimplemented features.
 DynArray ORB.create_dyn_array(TypeCode type)
          See package comments regarding unimplemented features.
 DynUnion ORB.create_dyn_union(TypeCode type)
          See package comments regarding unimplemented features.
 DynEnum ORB.create_dyn_enum(TypeCode type)
          See package comments regarding unimplemented features.

Constructors in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type TypeCode
UnionMember(String __name, Any __label, TypeCode __type, IDLType __type_def)
          Constructs a new UnionMember object with its fields initialized to the given values.
StructMember(String __name, TypeCode __type, IDLType __type_def)
          Constructs a StructMember object initialized with the given values.
TypeCodeHolder(TypeCode initial)
          Constructs a new TypeCodeHolder object with its value field initialized to the given TypeCode object.
ValueMember(String __name, String __id, String __defined_in, String __version, TypeCode __type, IDLType __type_def, short __access)
          Constructs a ValueMember object initialized with the given values.

Uses of TypeCode in org.omg.CORBA.portable

Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable that return TypeCode
 TypeCode Streamable._type()
          Retrieves the TypeCode object corresponding to the value in the value field of the Holder.
abstract  TypeCode InputStream.read_TypeCode()
          Reads a TypeCode from this input stream.

Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable with parameters of type TypeCode
abstract  void OutputStream.write_TypeCode(TypeCode value)
          Writes a TypeCode on this output stream.

Uses of TypeCode in org.omg.CosNaming

Methods in org.omg.CosNaming that return TypeCode
static TypeCode NameHelper.type()
 TypeCode BindingIteratorHolder._type()
static TypeCode IstringHelper.type()
 TypeCode NameComponentHolder._type()
static TypeCode BindingListHelper.type()
 TypeCode BindingTypeHolder._type()
 TypeCode BindingListHolder._type()
static TypeCode BindingIteratorHelper.type()
 TypeCode BindingHolder._type()
 TypeCode NameHolder._type()
static TypeCode NameComponentHelper.type()
static TypeCode BindingTypeHelper.type()
static TypeCode NamingContextHelper.type()
static TypeCode BindingHelper.type()
 TypeCode NamingContextHolder._type()

Uses of TypeCode in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage

Methods in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage that return TypeCode
static TypeCode AlreadyBoundHelper.type()
static TypeCode NotFoundReasonHelper.type()
static TypeCode NotFoundHelper.type()
 TypeCode AlreadyBoundHolder._type()
 TypeCode NotFoundReasonHolder._type()
 TypeCode InvalidNameHolder._type()
static TypeCode CannotProceedHelper.type()
 TypeCode CannotProceedHolder._type()
 TypeCode NotFoundHolder._type()
static TypeCode InvalidNameHelper.type()
static TypeCode NotEmptyHelper.type()
 TypeCode NotEmptyHolder._type()

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.3.1

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java 2 SDK SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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