
A free-software converter from HTML to XHTML

Convert your document online

Simple options | Advanced options

Output document type (*):

Indentation length: Line length:

Input character set:

Don't escape CDATA sections

Preserve spacing in comments

Use empty element tags always it is possible

Compact form of empty element tags (e.g. <br/> instead of <br />)

Compact block elements

Input HTML document:

(*)Warning: due to restrictions to the use of legacy HTML elements and attributes in XHTML 1.0 strict, XHTML 1.1, XHTML Basic 1.0, XHTML Basic 1.1, XHTML Print 1.0 and XHTML Mobile Profile, any style information that is not encoded using CSS may be lost when the target document type is one of the above. If you want to keep your legacy style information, you can safely use the "auto" option.