OJI Features

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This section describes the primary features of OJI.



OJI provides support so that applets using these tags can launch the Java Plug-in. For information on how to use the OBJECT or EMBED tag to lauch an applet, see the Java Plug-in HTML Specification.

Java-JavaScript Bi-directional Communication

JavaScript can access the methods of applets, and applets can access the Document Object Model (DOM) through JavaScript. Thus an HTML author can access applet methods and applet developers can access the DOM.

See How Java-to-JavaScript Communication Works in Java Plug-in and Security: LiveConnect.

RSA Signed Applet Verification

RSA signed applet verification continues to be supported in this release through the Java Plug-in.

See Netscape Object Signing, How to Sign Applets Using RSA Certificates and Security: RSA Signed Applets.

Display of Java Console

OJI allows the user to display the Java Console through the Netscape 6 browser menu: Tasks>Tools>Java Console.

Enable/Disable Java

OJI allows enabling/disabling Java through the Netscape 6 browser menu: Edit>Preferences>Advanced. Note that to take effect, the browser must be restarted.

Applet Lifecycle Change

Whenever a page is visited, the init() and start() methods of the applet are called; and whenever the page is left, the stop() and destroy() methods may be called.

Proxy and Cookie Support

Previously, Java Plug-in handled proxy and cookie support. OJI moves that support to the browser.

HTTPS Through Netscape 6

As in previous releases of Java Plug-in, HTTPS support will be provided by the browser.

Automatic Download

Via its XPInstall mechanism, Netscape 6 will support automatic download of Java Plug-in (JRE) if it is not present.

Backward Compatibility Issue

Although Sun has tried to ensure backward compatibility as much as possible between Java 2 and the Netscape VM, it may not be 100%. Some applets may run as is; other may only need recompilation; others, however, may need to be ported to Java 2.


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