
home | overview | plug-in | oji | security

Beginning with version 1.3.0_01, the Java Plug-in supports Netscape 6. Java Plug-in is part of the Java 2 Standard Edition. Netscape 6, with the Open JVM Interface (OJI) developed by Sun, allows any Sun-compliant JVM that implements the interface to become the default JVM for the browser.

Sun's Java Plug-in implementation provides full applet support in Netscape 6, and its many enhancements facilitate applet migration from Netscape 4.x browsers to Netscape 6. Java Plug-in may also be used with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape 4.x.

This document discusses usability enhancements to Sun's Java Plug-in; the primary features of OJI; and security.

Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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 Sun Microsystems, Inc
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